Saturday May 25, 2024 from 16:00 to 17:30

Room: Regency

> Poster POS-68 Ovarian cancer stem-like cell differentiation trajectories in single cells

Natasha Lawton-Zandstra

Graduate Student
Dept. of Epigenetics
Van Andel Institute


Ovarian cancer stem-like cell differentiation trajectories in single cells

Ben Johnson1, Natasha Zandstra1, Mary Rhodes1, Kelly Foy1, Joshua L Schipper2, Rachael TC Sheridan2, Ronald J Buckanovich3,4, Hui Shen1.

1Epigenetics, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, United States; 2Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids, MI, United States; 3Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States; 4Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and the Magee-Womens Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Ovarian cancer remains a disease with high mortality due to late-stage diagnoses and tumor recurrence, demanding studies to define molecular features of the disease that can lead to earlier detection and lower recurrence rates. Cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) have been shown to play roles in tumor initiation, therapy resistance, recurrence, and metastasis in many cancers, including ovarian cancer. Though a controversial hypothesis, the ovarian cancer stem-like cell (OCSC) hierarchy has been proposed to be “pyramid-like” with a multi-potent progenitor at the top of the hierarchy that can divide symmetrically to expand its cell numbers, or asymmetrically into a quiescent state or multiple classes of differentiated cell types. These quiescent OCSCs are proposed to be a reservoir for disease recurrence due to chemoresistance and retaining their multi-potency. Taken together, single-cell characterization of OCSC fate decisions and the molecular landscapes that shape these processes would provide a significant advance in our understanding of tumor initiation, chemoresistance, and recurrence in ovarian cancer. Here, we profiled thousands of single cells from patient-derived cell lines and primary tumors using high-resolution single-cell total RNA-seq (STORM-seq) and inferred lineage fate trajectories using a barcode-free approach. Additionally, we introduce a new multi-omic technology to measure metabolic states of single cells and integrate with single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq). By integration of these two technologies, we uncover new marker genes, changes in relative redox poise, and mitochondrial dynamics associated with lineage fate decisions in OCSCs.

This research is supported by National Cancer Institute grant R37CA230748 to HS and Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance fellowship 891749 to BKJ..

Presentations by Natasha Lawton-Zandstra

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